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Getting Started at Tillamook Bay Community College
We know that our students find different paths to success here at TBCC that is why we work to guide you and help you along your path so you can reach your future goals and build skills to earn the career that is right for you.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with an associate’s degree earn about $6,000 more every year than those with just a high school diploma.
You are investing now to increase your future opportunities.
How do I apply?
Congratulations! You are about to take an important step toward ensuring that you have a bright, successful future. Below are the steps you will need to take to get started.
Step 1: Apply
Step 2: Meet With an Advisor
If you are applying as a first-time TBCC student, you will need to meet with one of our academic advisors before registration. During this meeting, you and your advisor will work together to make sure you take the right classes to meet your educational and career goals.
Step 3: Attend New Student Orientation and Register for Courses
First-time college students are required to attend an orientation before registering for courses. During this orientation, you will become familiar with our online learning system, hear about all the free software you can access, and learn how to register for classes online. You will leave orientation with a copy of your schedule and all the tools you need to be successful!
Have you already earned some college credits at another institution? Then congratulations, because you’re partway toward a degree that can change your life!
Step 1: Apply
Step 2: Meet With an Advisor
If you are applying as a returning college student, you will need to meet with one of our academic advisors before registration. During this meeting, you and your advisor will work together to make sure you take the right classes to meet your educational and career goals. If you have transcripts from another college, it would be very helpful to bring those along with you to the first meeting. Unofficial transcripts will work for the advisor meeting. If you plan on transferring credits into TBCC, you will need to provide official transcripts.
Step 3: Register for Courses
During your meeting with an advisor, you will be able to register for the courses you need. If you have been out of school for a while, you should discuss with your advisor whether attending a New Student Orientation might be helpful for you. To see a list of classes available for the term you can visit the TBCC Course Search Tool in MyTBCC.
Already attended TBCC? Welcome back, we’re glad to see you working toward a degree that can change your life.
Apply for Admissions/Update Your Student Record
Even if you have attended TBCC in the past, we request that you apply for admission so that we have an updated student record in our system. This will allow you a chance to update your addresses and phone numbers, choose your degree or certificate goals, and to be sure that your identifying information is accurate.
Step 1: Apply
Step 2: Meet With an Advisor
You will need to meet with one of our academic advisors before registration. During this meeting, you and your advisor will work together to make sure you take the right classes to meet your educational and career goals. If you have taken courses at another college, it would be very helpful to bring an official or unofficial transcript of those courses along with you to the first meeting.
Step 3: Register for Courses
During your meeting with an advisor, you will be able to register for the courses you need. If you have been out of school for a while, you should discuss with your advisor whether attending a New Student Orientation might be helpful for you. To see a list of classes available for the term you can visit the TBCC Course Search Tool in MyTBCC.
If you are a high school junior or senior, talk to your high school counselor about dual credit classes that are offered at your high school.
After meeting with your counselor, you need to apply online to TBCC using the Current High School Student Application.

“This school is 100% what you make it. You can turn it into anything you want for yourself.”
Jude Schlotzhauer, TBCC Student